Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jason R. Hackler: Thoughts on Energetic Breathing

Ki, or energy, creates form. Our Body is the form which is made up of the continual flow of Ki (energy). In Acupuncture Medicine and Meridian Therapy we think of the Body with a capital B, as in Body, Mind, Spirit. In actuality, these are not three separate capacities, but, one. They are one with various aspects. The beginning place of Ki in our Body is in our Tanden, situated in our lower belly, 2-4 fingers below our navel. This is where we should begin our breath from. As my medicine teacher, Dr. Duckworth, has shared, "the first thing a child does born of natural childbirth is take a deep breath from their center." To breathe correctly is the single most important thing we can do for our health, physically, spiritually, and mentally.

Lie down, place a book or weight over the area of your Tanden, and breathe through your nose, making the weight or book rise each time you inhale. Your inhale should cause your abdomen to expand first. You're not trying to 'belly breathe' per say, you're practicing beginning your breath from your center, deep in your abdomen, and allowing it to rise and expand into your chest and back. For a beginning practice, don't pause between the inhale and exhale - just allow for a continuous flow as you breathe. Your thinking brain will usually be noisy; don't try to stop your thinking, just return your focus to your breathing. To start, just take five minutes twice daily to practice deep breathing.

Deep breathing actually raises levels of blood oxygen. More blood oxygen means that all the organs and tissues are oxygenated more thus creating the potential for improved digestion and mental performance; a more relaxed nervous system helping to deal with anxiety, stress, insomnia, body pain, hormonal fluctuations; and much more.

A well known Taoist sage, Chuang Tzu, once said: "most of us breathe from our throats, and that real human beings breathe from their heels." (I think we can safely say that "real" human being means a 'whole,' as in holistic, human being.) Dr. Andrew Weil says, "if I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would simply be to learn how to breathe correctly."

So, all of us please, take a deep, relaxed breath from your Tanden, and continue practicing for a lifetime. Happy Spring!

Jason R. Hackler, Dipl.Ac., Associate Natural Life Therapy Clinic

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